Mathematics Supports for Leaders
Welcome to the Leadership Support Page. We will be adding items to the following tabs as they are created. Please feel free to contact a member of the Numeracy Team if you have any questions.
SCCDSB Scope and Sequence
SCCDSB Scope & Sequence Purpose:
- To offer a long range plan for mathematics learning including the “Big Ideas” for each strand and highlighting number sense concepts within strands
- To provide an opportunity to collaborate with colleagues within and between schools
- To provide an at a glance guide of the development of mathematics learning across grades
- To facilitate the sharing of resources and learning tools among grades / divisions
Monthly Newsletter Inserts
Each month a newsletter insert for mathematics will be provided to include in your monthly communication for home. It will be posted a minimum of two weeks in advance.
This month the newsletter insert will focus on helping children learn practical money skills at home and through using online games and apps.
Please click on the image to the left for a link that will lead you to a Google Doc. Copy and paste the text and images into your school newsletter.
This month the newsletter insert will focus on using the digital tool, "mathies".
Please click on the image to the left for a link that will lead you to a Google Doc. Copy and paste the text and images into your school newsletter.
This month the newsletter insert will focus on counting and understanding number.
Please click on the image to the left for a link that will lead you to a Google Doc. Copy and paste the text and images into your school newsletter.
This month the newsletter insert will focus on how math relates to the real world and finding math in holiday experiences
Please click on the image to the left for a link that will lead you to a Google Doc. Copy and paste the text and images into your school newsletter.
This month the newsletter insert will focus on Everyday Mathematics and Financial Literacy . It includes a link to the Ontario Ministry of Education Financial Literacy page .
Please click on the image to the left for a link that will lead you to a Google Doc. Copy and paste the text and images into your school newsletter.
This month the newsletter insert will focus on building a positive math mindset. It also includes a link to the Ministry resource "Doing Mathematics with Your Child - Kindergarten to Grade 6" and a link to "TVO Mathify" (homework help for students grades 7-10).
Please click on the image to the left for a link that will lead you to a Google Doc. Copy and paste the text and images into your school newsletter.
Monthly Math Engagement
Each month a math idea, challenge or activity will be offered to help build engagement in mathematics throughout the school.
Diagnostic assessment usually takes place at the start of a school year, term, semester, or teaching unit. It is a key tool used by teachers in planning instruction and setting appropriate learning goals” (p. 146). Diagnostic assessment provides information that is “used by teachers and students to determine what students already know and can do with respect to the knowledge and skills identified in the overall and specific expectations” ( p. 31). PPM 155
Grade 1 to 8 Fall Number Sense Diagnostics

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8
Grade 1 to 8 Spring Number Sense Diagnostics

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8
The spreadsheet is coded to fill with colours. There are two sections. The columns on the left side of the black bar are for the Fall results. Those on the right are for the Spring results. If needed, please change the column headers to coincide with the assessment for your grade. The link above will automatically make a copy for you.
- If a child has little understanding of the concept please enter the number 1. The box will fill red.
- If the child has some understanding please enter 2. The box will fill yellow.
- If the child has a good understanding please enter 3. The box will fill green.
Use the colours to assist in targeting instruction.
These templates are helpful in creating small groups targeting specific math skills, concepts or processes identified as a need through observations, conversations or diagnostics. Student names may be listed as a group that share a common need within each of the coloured sections or alternatively a learning goal may be indicated and the coding spreadsheet can be used to identify the students within that area.
Responding to our November 2019 Diagnostics
A document has been created as a response to our November 2019 Diagnostics. This document outlines number sense needs, math processes directly linked to the needs, and next steps and instructional strategies to address each need.
Financial Literacy Strengths & Misconceptions
A document has been created to examine trends of common strengths and misconceptions that were noticed from a sample of students in grades 2/3 to 6/7.
Common Strengths & Misconceptions
The link below gives strategies of how address financial literacy misconceptions.
School Advisory Council
PLC Support
Below please find PLC shells to be used to support professional learning with your staff. Some or all of these may have been used last year in your school. New ones will be added as they are created.
Each image to the left is linked to a Google slideshow of the PLC. Permissions are given to view only. To personalize the PLC to your own school please make a copy in order to do so.
Learning Goals for this PLC
- Consider the importance of establishing a learning goal(s) and success criteria
- Consider the pacing of the scope and sequence based on assessment for learning
- Determine next instructional (the next day, the next week etc.) steps based on student thinking revealed through triangulation (observations, conversations, products)
Learning Goals for this PLC
- Consider ways of communicating thinking in mathematics
- Justify your thinking
- Explain your thinking
- Show your work
- Describe your thinking
- Determine how much evidence is enough to support student mathematical thinking
- Examine our own student work, reflect on the student communication, and plan for next steps